our agenda for 2024-2025

The SA agenda is the list of student priorities agreed to by the SA Executive Team, which the SA has committed to pursuing in a given academic year. The specific initiatives shall be generated through direct student input and shall generally be supported by evidence of support among the student body. The SA agenda is meant to enhance, not replace, other administration planning efforts to advance the MBA Program. In general, it is meant to address those issues which might not be addressed without clear student support. It is drafted by the SA Co-Presidents, approved by the Senate, and progress reported to the student body.


Focus our efforts and resources on a few key initiatives for exceptional outcomes.



Invest in the SA’s key events (like Holidazzle and Gala) to make them more financially inclusive.


Increase attendance at community-wide MyTakes to build HBS traditions and better support affinity groups.


Make resources (like coffee and printing) more accessible to help students curb spending on small charges.


Enhance SA Products Office operations to expand quality products and timely services offered to students.


Strengthen individual culture sharing and understanding within sections and across the student body.